Nutrition & Weight Management

Thomas Edison once said, ““The doctor of the future will no longer treat with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

At Ocean Breeze Animal Hospital, we couldn’t agree more. The best way to keep your pet happy and healthy, and to extend the years they get to share with you is to ensure that they are receiving the proper nutrition.

Not all pet foods are created equal, and with so many products available on the market today, choosing the right one can be a challenge. Yet, simply grabbing any food off the shelf may not only deprive your pet of the proper nutritional balance he or she needs, but it could actually be detrimental to their overall health and wellness. So how can you be sure what you’re feeding your pet is meeting their nutritional needs, and providing for their optimum health?

What about weight? Do you know with certainty what your pet’s ideal weight should be? More importantly, do you know how you can best help them achieve and maintain that ideal weight? The fact is, animals that are even just a few pounds overweight are at a much greater risk of developing serious, sometimes life threatening illnesses. Do you have the knowledge to help your pet avoid this risk and stay as fit as possible throughout his or her lifetime?

If you’re unsure or just need a little guidance, the team at Ocean Breeze Animal Hospital can help. We offer professional nutritional counseling and weight management services designed to address each patient’s individual needs and create a customized plan to help them achieve optimum results. Our team is experienced in all aspects of animal nutrition and can help get your pet on the path to a lifetime of good health.

We’ll start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your pet to determine his or her specific nutritional needs. In addition to a physical exam, we’ll also take into consideration a number of factors, such as breed, age, current weight and the existence of any health problems. We’ll also ask you a series of questions about your pet’s lifestyle, preferences and habits at home. Once we’ve gathered this profile, we’ll provide you with specific dietary recommendations, including what type of food would be best, as well as how much and how often you should feed your pet.

We’ll also use the information we gathered during our nutritional analysis to determine precisely what range your pet’s ideal weight should fall within. We’ll then work with you to develop a plan that will get your pet moving, help them shed any excess weight they may be carrying, and remain fit over time. Even animals that are older or that suffer from existing medical conditions should enjoy physical activity as part of their daily routine. We’ll advise you on what types of activities would be best suited for your pet, based on their unique needs and health condition.

You want what’s best for your animal companion, and to help them live as many happy, healthy years as possible. It starts with a foundation of good nutrition and a healthy weight. Let the team at Ocean Breeze Animal Hospital help you achieve this important goal. We can create a customized diet and exercise plan that will bring out the very best in your furry friend, and will help them maintain optimum health for life.


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