
Clipping Kitty’s Claws – What You Need to Know

Your Hutchinson Island home may be a mansion to your cat, but her desire to be pampered likely stops short of getting manicures. Cats normally care for their claws themselves, mostly by scratching. When Kitty lived in the wild, she used her claws to escape predators by climbing things. They also helped her secure her next meal, and gave her some defense against other animals. If your cat is scratching you or your furniture, you may want to get her claws trimmed.

A few decades ago, cats were commonly declawed. Today, the practice is generally regarded as inhumane, since it does involve much more serious surgical alterations than many people formerly realized. When a cat is a declawed, their toes are actually amputated, which can be a very painful process. Trimming is a great alternative, as it can keep your furniture and rugs safe from your furball’s claws, without causing her any pain or permanent damage.

If your little furry friend is a kitten, it’s best to get her used to getting her claws trimmed while she’s young. Regularly playing with her little toes will get her used to having her paws handled. Choose a quiet time when your feline is calm and content, and there are no distractions around. Pet her and give her treats while you handle her toes.

After your furball gets used to having those cute little paws handled, you can start trimming her claws. You’ll want to get a good pair of clippers. If you’re uneasy about the possibility of trimming too far, you may want to make a one-time investment in clippers which are equipped with sensors.

To clip Kitty’s claws, gently press on her paw pad. This should extend that little claw. Inspect the claw carefully. You should see a slightly pink part below the curve of the claw. This is the quick, and contains nerves and blood vessels. Make sure to make the cut well short of the quick, because if you cut it, you could hurt your cat, and cause her to bleed. It’s a good idea to keep a stick or powder styptic on hand, just in case you make a mistake. Remember, it’s better to not cut enough than to cut too deep. Snip the curved tip of the claw carefully, and pet your furball.

Some cats will enjoy manicures, or at least learn to tolerate them. There are also some kitties that hate having their claws handled. If your furball fights or struggles, then you may find it much easier to make a quick manicure appointment with your Hutchinson Island vet.

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